Legal Notice
These terms of use (the “Terms of Use“) regulate access to and use of the website, hosted under the domain name www.viverosdecardedeu.com (the “Website“) and under any of the subdomains or pages web dependent of the same, as well as the contents and services that the owner of the Website makes available to its users (the “Users“) and establish together with the Privacy and Cookies Policy, relating to the management of personal data of the Users, the terms and conditions governing the said Websites (the “Terms and Conditions“).
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following identifying data of the owner of said Website are exposed:
VIVERS DE CARDEDEU, SA, an entity registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona Sheet 21004, Folio 169, Volume 2117, Book 1517, Section 2, with an address for these purposes in Finca Riba Alta Crtra.Cardedeu a la Roca Km 4 Ap.215 Cardedeu 08440., Of Barcelona, with Tax Identification Number A08299521, (hereinafter, VIVERS DE CARDEDEU)
The access to said Website or its use by the User necessarily implies, without reservation, the knowledge and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. Therefore, it is recommended that the User read them carefully every time they wish to access the aforementioned Website. In case of not accepting the clauses established in these Conditions of Use, the User must refrain from accessing and/or using the services and/or contents made available on said Website, proceeding to abandon them.
VIVERS DE CARDEDEU, S.A., has created the Website as a way to share the latest news and news from the business group VIVERS DE CARDEDEU, S.A. and of the world in general, which considers that the users of the Website or the clients of the firm may be interested in the legal, tax, auditing of accounts, insurance and, in general, all branches of activity of the business group.
In order to use the Services offered on the Websites, it is a necessary condition that Users are of legal age, so, with the acceptance of the following Terms and Conditions, the User states that they are of legal age, as well as that they have the necessary capacity to contract the Services offered on the Websites.
In relation to the above, the User will be, in any case, responsible for the accuracy and veracity of the data provided to VIVERS DE CARDEDEU, S.A., through the registration form.
Those users under age who are interested in contracting the Services will require prior authorization from their parents or legal guardians.
The user undertakes not to use the Website to carry out activities contrary to the laws, morality, public order and, in general, to make use in accordance with the conditions established in these Terms of Use. undertakes not to carry out advertising or commercial exploitation activities by sending messages that use a false identity.
The Company acts exclusively as responsible for the Website in its capacity as a provider of an information service, not being responsible for the contents that, in contravention of these general conditions, users may send or publish, being the user solely responsible for the veracity and legality of the same.
The Company may interrupt the service of the Website that is being used by the user and immediately resolves the relationship with the user if it detects a use of the Website or any of the services offered therein that may be considered contrary to what is expressed in these Conditions of Use.
The Company reserves the right to decide, at any time, on the continuity of the services of the information society that it provides through its Website.
In the event that areas were reserved for user participation (blogs, forums, chats, comments, sharing, etc.), VIVERS DE CARDEDEU, S.A. it would not participate in any way in them, being the contributions or opinions that the users contribute of their full responsibility. The Company reserves the right to suspend or eliminate those contributions or comments that violate these conditions.
Likewise, the User assumes that the Company, if applicable, may bring to the attention of the administrative or judicial authorities those facts that could constitute an illicit activity, without the need to notify the User in advance.
When connecting to the Internet, it is convenient that, in addition to taking care of the basic aspects of computer protection, the following precautionary measures should be taken into account:
Use updated versions of browsers.
In the access to the restricted access area, check that access occurs using the TLS 1.1 security protocol to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of the information provided.
Browse known websites
Do not accept the execution of programs whose download occurs automatically, if you do not trust the sources that originate your download.
In the case that public or shared computers with third parties are used, confirm that the automatic password reminder option is not activated.
a) Protection of passwords.
The passwords provided are absolutely confidential so it will be the responsibility of the user to make good use of them, having to observe a duty of care in their custody and use. In this regard, passwords should not be written on paper or computer documents. The password can be changed periodically. In this case, it is recommended that the password chosen be a password that is difficult to deduct, avoiding that they coincide, for example with your birthday, birth date, telephone number, etc.
For security reasons, access to the services of the Websites may be blocked if the access code is entered incorrectly a number of times.
b) Protection against viruses.
Viruses are programs that are installed on the computer, usually hidden from the owner, with purposes that are harmful to the user’s computer (for example, destroying files or the disk, spreading to other computers or causing the computer to malfunction). Avoid possible virus infections is convenient:
Have updated antivirus software, so you should consult the instructions of the program’s manufacturer to keep the automatic update active.
Analyze with the antivirus the documents received by electronic means or that come from external means as portable devices.
Install programs that come from secure sources that do not violate intellectual property rights.
It is convenient to install an antispyware system to avoid spyware, best known for its term in English spyware. Likewise, it is recommended to configure a spam filtering system to limit the sending of unwanted mass emails.
In case of receiving unsolicited emails, it is advisable to confirm the sending with the sender or delete the message directly. It should never be opened even if it comes from a known sender.
Do not participate in chain emails or forward mail indiscriminately.
Do not directly execute the attached files, it is much safer to extract them previously to a directory of the computer.
Having an antivirus program does not ensure the total protection of the user’s equipment, mainly due to two reasons: that it is so new that it is detected by the virus library of the program or that a “false positive” occurs. , that a program has in its programming code sequences that are assimilated to a virus.
The whole of the Website: text, images, trademarks, graphics, logos, buttons, software files, color combinations, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents, is protected by the laws on Intellectual Property and Industrial and belong to VIVERS DE CARDEDEU, SA as the author of a collective work, its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation are forbidden, except for personal and private use.
The Company does not guarantee that the contents are accurate or free of error or that the free use of the same by the user does not infringe the rights of third parties. The good or bad use of this page and its contents is under the responsibility of the user.
Likewise, the reproduction, retransmission, copy, cession or retransmission, total or partial, of the information contained in the Page, whatever its purpose and the means used for it, without prior authorization of the Company is prohibited.
The Site may include links or links to third-party sites. The pages belonging to third parties have not been reviewed or are subject to controls by the Company. In any case, the Company can not be held responsible for the contents of these websites or the measures adopted regarding their privacy or the processing of their personal data.
The Company recommends a careful reading of the conditions of use and the privacy policy of these sites.
If you are interested in activating a link to any of the pages of the Company, you must communicate it, obtaining the express consent to create the link. The Company reserves the right to oppose the activation of links to its website.
The access and use of the portal to unauthorized minors under 18 years of age is prohibited.
The Company reminds users of legal age who are in charge of minors, that it will be their sole responsibility to determine what services and / or contents are not appropriate for the age of the latter.
The Company informs you that there are computer programs that allow filtering and blocking access to certain content and services, so that parents or guardians, for example, can decide what Internet content and services are available to minors. access and what not.
The Company will not be directly or subsidiarily responsible for:
- The quality of the service, the speed of access, the correct functioning, or the availability or continuity of operation of the Page.
- The damages that may be caused to the user’s equipment due to the use of the Page.
- The cases in which a third party, breaking the established security measures, access the messages or use them for the remission of computer viruses.
- The vices and defects of all kinds of the contents transmitted, disseminated, stored or made available.
- The legality, reliability, and usefulness of the contents that users transmit with the use of the page or the services offered therein, as well as their veracity or accuracy.
- The Company does not control the use that users make of the Website, nor does it guarantee that they do so in accordance with the provisions of this Legal Notice.
- The update of the contents offered in the news sections.
By way of example and without limitation, the user will be responsible for:
Of the contents introduced by them, especially of the data and information introduced and sent to the Company through the Websites.
The performance of any type of illegal, harmful rights, harmful and/or harmful.
Of the custody of your username and password, not being able to communicate it to third parties, in order to avoid identity theft or facilitation of untruthful or incorrect data.
For any type of dispute arising from the use of the services offered or the contents of the Websites, the parties, with the acceptance of the clauses established in these Terms of Use, will be submitted to the competent Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.